Scorpius is a zodiac constellation located in the southern celestial hemisphere, between Libra and Sagittarius. It is near the center of the Milky Way, therefore it is rich in deep-sky objects. It was already known in the ancient times, especially its brightest star, Antares was important as the point of the autumnal equinox was near it in 3000 B.C. The constellation can be best seen in the southern hemisphere and near the equator as from the most parts of the northern hemisphere it stays near the horizon.
Due to its importance it was among the first four known zodiac constellations in ancient Mesopotamia. The Babylonians already identified this region as MUL.GIR.TAB - the 'Scorpion',
however the shape of the constellation varied greatly throughout the centuries (sometimes the stars of Libra and Corona Australis were attached to it as well).
The constellation had a prominent role in the Greek mythology, and several myths were associated with it. According to one version, Orion threatened the goddess Artemis
that he would kill every animal on Earth. The insulted Artemis and her mother, Leto sent a scorpion to kill Orion. Their battle caught the attention of Zeus, who raised both combatants to the sky as constellations.